The White Feather
Paula Harry Paula Harry

The White Feather

Three and a half years ago I lost my beautiful mum to cancer. She battled HARD for three months as the cancer spread through her body and took with it most of her faculties (this was her worst nightmare coming true). In her final days she was literally skin and bone, incontinent and in the foulest of moods (not that you can blame her).

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Paula Harry Paula Harry


I was having a conversation with my bestie about a month ago and she was asking me about my health coaching business and how things were going? She was quick to recommend that I create a health and wellness ‘niche’ and focus on creating my offerings around it. Basically, I needed to specialize in some area of health and promote myself as the guru of ‘that’.

It got me thinking….

Did I NEED to find a niche?

Do I already have a niche?

What are the common threads in the Clients I work with?

What are the common ROOT causes of dis-ease in the population?


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The TRUTH about your IMMUNE system
Sarah Poppy Sarah Poppy

The TRUTH about your IMMUNE system

The human body is magical in the automation and seamless communication that happens every second of every minute in every human-being on the planet. The body is resilient beyond belief, self-regulating, self-cleaning, repairing and restoring itself back into equilibrium. As inhabitants of these bodies, there are fundamentals required to ‘fuel the tank’ as well as regular ‘tune-up’s’ and annual/ bi-annual ‘servicing’, depending on how hard we have been pushing ourselves. If we fail to put the right fuel in, perform the tune-ups and forget about the servicing, this magical system can only prop itself up for so long before a ‘break down’ is imminent.

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The Five Agreements
Sarah Poppy Sarah Poppy

The Five Agreements

Are you overly analytical? Do you like to run scenarios in your mind to understand what is happening/ has happened? Are you BIG on planning? Do you RESIST spontaneity?

I am ALL the above and sometimes this means that I retreat into my shell, anxious, panicked and in a deep sense of overwhelm. Feeling totally out of control, my body stiffens, my breath becomes shallow and quick, my lips stick to my gums as all the moisture disappears from my mouth and I wonder how I am going to pull out of this tailspin.

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The Dirty Dozen
Sarah Poppy Sarah Poppy

The Dirty Dozen

The “Dirty Dozen” is a list of fruits and vegetables that are highly sprayed with pesticides that can’t be washed off. These pesticides not only contaminate the food but also reduce the nutritional value of it through the degradation of soil quality. Pesticides have been shown to increase the risk of cancer, nervous system diseases and reproductive problems. Exposure to pesticides have also been linked to an increase in neurological diseases, childhood leukemia, lymphoma and asthma.

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