The Five Agreements

Are you overly analytical?  Do you like to run scenarios in your mind to understand what is happening/ has happened?  Are you BIG on planning?  Do you RESIST spontaneity? 

I am ALL the above and sometimes this means that I retreat into my shell, anxious, panicked and in a deep sense of overwhelm.  Feeling totally out of control, my body stiffens, my breath becomes shallow and quick, my lips stick to my gums as all the moisture disappears from my mouth and I wonder how I am going to pull out of this tailspin.  When you have reached this point, it is almost impossible to recover.  The only trajectory is DOWN which is why catching yourself early on in this downward spiral is imperative!

If you haven’t read any of Don Miguel Ruiz books, I highly recommend starting with The Four Agreements followed by The Fifth Agreement.  These life principles come from the ancient wisdom of the Toltec people and have helped me immensely when dealing with feelings of anxiety and panic.  They can be a quick “go to” to check in with yourself EARLY, to challenge your thought patterns and to reduce the momentum of anxiety. 

The Five Principles are:

1.     Be impeccable with your word
When I first read this, I immediately thought it was about honoring my word to others.  This is part of it but not at the sake of not honoring the promises you make to yourself.  Nourish your mind, body, and soul.  Fill your cup first so that you may give from this place and support abundance in your own life and in that of others.

2.     Don’t take it personally!
More often than not a person’s reaction says more about them than it does about you.  You don’t know what is going on in the lives of others- whatever it is, it’s unlikely to be about you.  Have grace and be kind rather than reacting defensively. 

3.     Don’t make assumptions
Catch yourself early when you start trying to connect the dots, trying to fill in the gaps.  Be aware of the ‘story you are creating’ to make sense of a situation.  Ask questions, come back to the facts, and accept what is (with grace).

4.     Do your best!
At the end of the day you want to know you gave it your all.  Do not leave anything in the tank.

5.     Be skeptical but learn to listen
This is so important in this era of readily available information/ knowledge.  Learn how to decipher between fact and fiction.  Be discerning in your ideas and opinions and whatever you do – don’t believe everything you hear or read.

Other books by Don Miguel Ruiz include:

  • The Mastery of Love (highly recommend this one)

  • The Mastery of Self

  • The Circle of Fire

  • The Three Questions

  • The Five Levels of Attachment

  • The Seven Secrets to Healthy, Happy Relationships

 Nourishment on and off the plate is essential to GOOD health and living your best life.  I no longer live in a state of anxiety and panic because I have learnt how to nourish myself holistically.  I know what I need to be healthy mentally and physically and am committed to nourishing myself in that way.  Letting go of things that no longer serve me and making space for those things that do ensures I maintain equilibrium and facilitates my Journey to BEST Life!

For a complimentary heart to heart call contact me today.


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