
I was having a conversation with my bestie about a month ago and she was asking me about my health coaching business and how things were going?  She was quick to recommend that I create a health and wellness ‘niche’ and focus on creating my offerings around it.  Basically, I needed to specialize in some area of health and promote myself as the guru of ‘that’. 

It got me thinking…. 

Did I NEED to find a niche?

Do I already have a niche?

What are the common threads in the Clients I work with?

What are the common ROOT causes of dis-ease in the population?


ALL roads lead to reducing inflammation in the body!  Maybe reducing inflammation is my niche? 

Now don’t get me wrong, not ALL inflammation is bad!  We need a certain level of inflammation to protect us from infection from outside invaders, such as bacteria and viruses.  In addition, inflammation is key to the healing process – cuts, bruises, sore knees after running (my hand is up).  However, it’s fair to say that the current lifestyle of most of the population in the western world is contributing to CHRONIC levels of inflammation (systemic inflammation) that is responsible for diseases that include:

  • Autoimmune diseases

  • Cancer

  • Heart disease

  • Diabetes

  • Asthma

  • Alzheimer’s disease

  • Arthritis

  • Obesity

Inflammation is responsible for weight gain, the inability to LOSE weight and premature aging (that’s right- wrinkles and decreased skin elasticity- eek).  When our bodies are inflamed, we don’t feel great either – sluggish and tired all the time coupled with cravings for salty and/or sugary foods.  It becomes a vicious cycle of self-destruction!

So, what causes inflammation?  

Diet and lifestyle factors that increase levels of inflammation in the body include:

  • Alcohol 

  • Smoking 

  • Processed food – these are cooked with vegetable oils that are toxic and contain low quality produce with little to no nutrient value

  • Refined carbohydrates (processed grains and sugars)

  • Sedentary lifestyle – the body needs movement to balance itself

  • Stress

The good news is that we have the power to control and reduce inflammation caused by diet and lifestyle factors.  This means we can both prevent and reverse inflammation-based diseases!  

Here’s how:

  1. Reduce alcohol consumption to no more than 3 standard drinks a week

  2. Stop smoking

  3. Manage stress – learn to meditate, incorporate some breathwork into your day, get rid of things/ people that no longer serve you 

  4. Prioritize movement – find something that you enjoy, the options are endless

  5. Home cooking – this way you know where the produce has come from, what it was fed, how it was nourished.  You can use a non-toxic oil in the cooking process and ensure you are getting a balanced diet

  6. Reduce/ remove processed sugar – sugar is in everything so make your own where you can

  7. Cruciferous vegetables (cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, kale, bok choy) are full of phytonutrients that combat inflammation

  8. Fatty fish (wild caught) – think salmon, sardine, herring all full of essential fatty acids required by the body (omega 3s)

  9. Nuts – these are a game changer, only a handful of mixed nuts per serving (watch out, they are morish).  Include hazelnuts, walnuts, and almonds (omega 3s)

  10. Healthy fats – olive oil, avocados, flaxseed (Omega 3s)

  11. Herbs and spices – turmeric (curcumin), , thyme, ginger, cinnamon, clove, black pepper, cayenne, garlic

  12. Herbal tea (with the added benefit of hydration)

  13. Activated water (filtered)

When you adapt your lifestyle to incorporate the above (btw – it doesn’t have to be overnight) you will feel the effects.  So much so, that you will think twice before having another drink, before going through a drive-thru or ordering uber eats or sitting on the couch all day/ night.  My philosophy is aligned with the 80/20 rule – doing the right thing 80% of the time but still allowing yourself 20% of the other stuff.  

You are here on this earth to have GREAT life! To feel good, to feel great – to thrive!  This means having the energy to do everything you want to do.

Love yourself enough to make small changes every day to support the highest version of you!

To conclude my quest into finding my niche I can’t put my hand on my heart and say that reducing inflammation in the body is my niche.  It’s only one part of the puzzle and I love working with Clients holistically to put the WHOLE puzzle together.  

If you want to improve your health and well-being and kick some health goals, contact me of a complimentary heart to heart call today.


The White Feather


The TRUTH about your IMMUNE system