Health Coaching



As your coach, I put the power back in your hands!  Reconnecting you to the wisdom of your body so that you can nourish yourself authentically, in a way that supports the needs of your mind, body and soul.  

I practice a holistic approach to health and wellness, which means that I look at how all areas of your life are connected.  This helps me to understand some of your current health concerns and potentially what drives you’re eating habits/ cravings etc.  As we work together, we will look at how all the parts of your life affect your health as a whole.

My goal is to set you up for success in such a way that you will start making better choices for yourself because you know (and have built evidence) that these choices are related to feeling better, having more energy, shedding those excess kilos and being happier and healthier overall.  You will become your own guru!

During our time together we will explore concepts that include:

Integrative Nutrition Plate

This will provide a guide to the type of food and portion sizes as well as include plant-based fats and water.  The plate is surrounded with lifestyle factors that combined with the right nutrition support your Journey to THE BEST Life!

Primary Food

This is nourishment OFF the plate.  The places in your world that give your life meaning.  “All of the things” that make you feel excited, inspired, and nurtured.  When there is balance here the food on your plate becomes secondary.  


Dieting rarely works because we are all unique…. and one person’s food is another person’s poison.  I will work with you to make strategic changes that are based on your nutritional requirements, lifestyle, preferences, and cultural background.

Crowding Out

Instead of restricting certain types of food my approach will encourage you to eat more of the good and thereby leave less room for the not so good.

Deconstructing Cravings

Cravings give us information on what our bodies need and thus should not be ignored.I will teach you how to deconstruct your cravings and understand what they are really telling you.

For more information on one on one coaching with me head to the ‘Work with me’ tab.