1:1 VIP Coaching


3 month 1:1 coaching program

Work with me in a three-month 1:1 coaching program to target a health concern that can be addressed in this time frame.  

Three months is just long enough to:  

Identify food intolerances and sensitivities – what food agrees with YOU and what doesn’t This is key to reducing inflammation in the body so that the body can focus on essential activities that include detoxification, hormone production and regulation, immunity, digestion and metabolism. These processes are essential for both weight management and energy production.
Eliminate, detox and cleanse – e.g., gluten, sugar, processed food It’s not easy to stop eating ‘things’ that you have eaten for a lifetime! Formulating a strategy that works for YOU is essential to removing toxic food from your lifestyle. This will support you to both regulate and regain the energy you need to live your best life.
Establish new habits for nourishment (on and off the plate) that cater to your bio-individuality Knowing what you want and need and letting go of that which no longer serves you is a process. Building this awareness and reconnection to the body is essential to promoting homeostasis (balance) so that you can experience true happiness and joy in your everyday life.
Get you FEELING better! Through implementing small nutrition and lifestyle changes (that are designed just for you) and being your ‘guide on the side’ you will feel better quicker. When you ‘feel better’ you are motivated to ‘do better’ and so the journey to your BEST life begins.

What your coaching program includes: 

  • Two 50-minute sessions per month

  • Single health concern focus area

  • Email/ text message support between sessions

  • Tools/ resources to support you on the direction you choose to go in

  • Simple, nutritious, and yummy healthy recipes that support your bio-individuality and protocol


What is the Investment?


This can be made as a single upfront payment before the program commences or in two instalments.

6 month 1:1 coaching program

Work with me in a six-month program to TRANSFORM your health! 

We will work together to navigate the world of contradictory nutrition and health advice and explore what truly works for you.  I will help you to reconnect with the wisdom of your body so that you can nourish yourself in a way that supports your overall health and well-being.

Connect the dots between where you are at with your health and where you want to be As we systematically audit how you nourish yourself on and off the plate and ‘get clear’ on how you want to ‘feel’ we prepare a solid foundation to define your ‘why’. This is key in maintaining commitment, focus and motivation as you journey to your BEST life.
Goal/ intention setting and action planning Getting SUPER clear on ‘what you want’ and connecting that to your ‘why’ supports effective intention/ goal setting. We will use the SMART principle and create personalized rituals that will serve you well through the action/ implementation phase.
Identify your body’s unique needs – define what meaningful nourishment looks like ON and OFF the plate Identifying what food works for you and what food doesn’t is paramount to reducing inflammation and promoting homeostasis (balance) in the body. As the saying goes, “One man’s food is another man’s poison”. Let’s make sure you aren’t eating/ drinking things that work against your bio-individuality. Taking this one step further, we will examine what nourishment OFF the plate looks like and using the Circle of Life will audit PRIMARY FOOD to define where you want to spend less/ more of your time.
Eliminate, detox, cleanse I will design a strategy that works for you so that you can gently cleanse your body. You need to ‘clear the decks’ and ‘unblock all the filters’ to regain the energy and vitality you need to do EVERYTHING you want to do.
‘How to’ – reconnection to the wisdom of your body I will teach you how to tap into the wisdom of your body using various strategies and practices. The body ALWAYS knows, and this piece of work is one of my favourites. You will start to build your intuition muscle so that you can better nourish yourself in meaningful ways.
Create your personal blueprint This will be a resource you can refer to that will remind you of your magnificence. A map of the Journey to your BEST Life. A record of your hard work, determination, and commitment to both yourself and your loved ones.

What your coaching program includes:

  • Two 50-minute sessions per month

  • Voxer (voice messaging app)/ email support between sessions

  • Tools/ resources to support the reconnection to your body

  • Simple, nutritious, and yummy healthy recipes to support your bio-individuality

  • Giveaways (based on your bio-individuality) that will support your growth and transformation from one session to the next
    Comprehensive set of coaching notes
    Personalised blueprint of the Journey to YOUR Best Life


What is the investment?                                                          

This can be made as a single upfront payment before the program commences or in three instalments.


To start the Journey to your BEST Life contact me to schedule a complimentary 15 minute ‘heart to heart’ call.  I’d love to hear from you.