About Me


Hello and thanks for being here.  

My name is Paula Harry and I have always been fascinated by the magical workings of the human body (physiologically) and the psychology behind why we do the things we do.  Having battled my own health demons over the past two and half decades my quest/ dharma/ purpose/ is to support others in the journey to their best life.  

Optimal health (physically and emotionally) feels better than ANYTHING!  I want to help to make this phenomenon accessible to everyone because GOOD health shouldn’t be so hard.

Residing in Perth, Western Australia, I spend as much time as I can in nature.  I love swimming in the ocean (mermaid life suits me well), morning sun on my skin, hiking through national parks (ooooh…those big ol trees never get boring) and observing the wonderment of nature in all her glory.  Noticing the changing seasons, the migration of various bird species, the blooming of native wildflowers, the afternoon light as the sun begins its descent.  When I am grounded/ healthy/ present I am consciously in awe of the magic of mother earth.

I am a wife, mother, stepmother, fur-baby mother, daughter, friend and integrative nutrition health coach.  I worked in human resource management for twenty-five years playing a limited role in people’s lives and witnessing human behaviour in the workplace at its best and worst.  I have supported people in their career succession and through difficult times in their personal lives however my work as a health coach allows me to work with people holistically from a grass roots level.  As a qualified biologist (BSc Human Biology) and certified institute of integrative nutrition health coach, my focus is to help clients understand/ uncover the root cause of dis-EASE in the body and to remedy this through a bespoke approach to nutrition and lifestyle.